t: 0118 960 7070

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Starting after Lockdown from Corona Virus

Posted in: News on June 11, 2020 by...

I hope you are doing well.

We have started to carry out EPCs, Inventories, 360 Tours & Legionella Risk Assessments on Tenanted 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🏡 properties again. But very carefully with the following measures to reassure tenants:

  • Face mask 😷
  • Gloves 🧤
  • Social distancing 📏
  • Wear possible tenants can go in the garden while survey is happening if they like 🌳🌞

Hopefully these measures shall make tenants more happy to have visitors. Let me know if you want any tenanted properties booked in for next week?


Call us on 0118 960 7070 or use the form below to send us an email.

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